I get the question quite often, “Why are the titles of your books all use the word “Enhanced”?”

The title was really someone else’s idea, in fact it was really just a passing statement. After a day of training a group of executives, one of the attendees asked me if I had any plans of ever publishing. When I told him that I had not really thought much about it, he was shocked. He implored me to consider it. He went on to explained to me that if the training we had just been through was compiled into one book, he felt that he would be an “executive on steroids.” We both laughed and he then said “Instead of “performance enhancing drugs” it would be “Performance Enhancing Books.”

While I didn’t like the idea that using our content might get you banned from participation in certain sports, I did like the idea of the content Enhancing our abilities. This is how the Enhanced Series began.

When I see people executing in an “Enhanced” manner, I look for 3 key things:

  1. Conscious Decision Making: The first step towards enhanced execution is making a conscious decision about the type of executive or person you wish to be. This involves setting clear goals and having a vision for your personal and professional growth.
  2. Effective Execution: Once the decision is made, it’s crucial to execute on that decision in a very specific and effective manner. This involves strategic planning, disciplined action, and consistent follow-through.
  3. Alignment: The third attribute is alignment, which is a key theme in the Enhanced series. This involves aligning your actions with your goals and vision, but also aligning with others in your team or organization. If your teammate is Enhanced, then your team is Enhanced, and if your team is Enhanced then your organization is enhanced. This alignment fosters a culture of success and fulfillment.

What are you doing to get “Enhanced”? Get started today by reading Enhanced Life Performance!

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