The Hidden Hero: Why Risk Management Holds the Key to Business Success

The Hidden Hero: Why Risk Management Holds the Key to Business Success In the realm of safeguarding sensitive information and critical infrastructure, cybersecurity often steals the spotlight. However, there’s an unsung hero quietly working behind the scenes, steering organizations towards triumph. Risk management, the enigmatic force weaving through a comprehensive company strategy, holds the key […]

Why Enhanced

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I get the question quite often, “Why are the titles of your books all use the word “Enhanced”?” The title was really someone else’s idea, in fact it was really just a passing statement. After a day of training a group of executives, one of the attendees asked me if I had any plans of […]

5 Things You Should Do B-4 8 A.M.

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Anyone who knows me can attest that I am quite disciplined, and have a very specific way I do most everything. My morning routine has most definitely become my habit, and I have found if I miss any of the 5 things on this list, my day just doesn’t have the same “pop” that it […]

Enhanced Life Performance

Get the Book that started it all. When we asked Don why he started with Enhanced Life Performance when everyone was asking him to write a book about his successful approach to business and corporate frameworks he said “the last thing I want to so is make someone successful who is not ready for it […]

The Mission

Creating the Mission Sometimes, learning something the hard way is the best way to learn. I have shared with you what I believe to be my core purpose and that is to coach, teach and lead. Through this effort, I have come to realize the need for a clear personal mission. This was the focus […]


In my book Enhanced Life Performace, we talk about being the best version of self and in order to do so we all know it requires confidence and a strong knowledge of “why,” but relationships? Dr. Dan Siegel, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA school of Medicine proposed that the three items necessary for well-being are the […]