Key Note


Don Monistere has done numerous Key Note speaking engagements and the facilitator as well as the audience leaves completely satisfied with the content and the message.  Don’s performance is always a mixture of coaching new intriguing concepts and motivating the audience to reach beyond what most consider normal and delve into the powers of the supernatural.  While don’s content is based in faith and his journey with The Holy Spirit, he never preaches to the audience.  One attendee described this way ” It is obvious that Mr. Monistere’s approach to life and his coaching is deeply influenced by his faith, but his presentations allows the audience to use their own personnel journey with the Holy Spirit or for that matter the Universe as the back drop as he guides you through concepts that allow you to again a deeper relationship with that of which you seek.  Truly awe inspiring how he accomplishes this.  Every single person comes away with their own unique experience even though we were all in attendance hearing the same lesson and presentation”



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